“No te creas más, ni menos ni igual que
otro cualquiera, que no somos los hombres cantidades. Cada cual es único e
insustituible”, intentarlo que es lo que te
proponemos, es la forma de crecer, no hay alternativas, el éxito está en uno
“Cuanto más
practico, más suerte tengo”, aseguraba Gary Player, el gran jugador de golf.
Inma Shara, que a sus treinta y cuatro años ha dirigido algunas de las mejores
orquestas del mundo como la Filarmónica de Israel o la Filarmónica Real de
Londres, afirma que “en la vida no hay nada sin esfuerzo. Nada, nada, nada. Me
considero más una persona constante que con talento. La perseverancia ha sido,
es y será un pilar fundamental en mi vida. (…)“ tengo muy claro que no hay
genio sin esfuerzo. Todo requiere sacrificio y, a veces, los resultados se
obtienen a largo plazo”.
Ante la falta
de pasión, compromiso, energía, constancia y esfuerzo que caracterizan a la
sociedad actual, proponemos una alternativa que consiste en la actitud personal y pro-actividad (adelantarse
a los acontecimientos antes de que sucedan, en lugar de reaccionar cuando ya se
han producido) para afrontar los acontecimientos, oportunidades, inconvenientes
y retos que la vida plantea.
Intensidad y energía, ganas y pelea, lucha
y pasión, todo ello es lo que nosotros
proponemos a través de nuestros productos y servicios ofrecidos en nuestra
página web http://www.osmolightpieces.com y blog http://osmolightpieces.blogspot.com.es/
José Mª F.Cabanes.
"Do not think
more, less or equal than any other, that we are not men quantities. Each of
which is unique and irreplaceable ", try is what you propose, is the way to grow, there are no alternatives,
success is self.
"The more practical, more luck I have,"
said Gary Player, the great golfer. Inma Shara, who at thirty-four years has
directed some of the best orchestras in the world such as the Israel
Philharmonic and the Royal Philharmonic of London, says that "in life
there is nothing without effort." Nothing, nothing, nothing. I consider
myself more a constant that talented person. Perseverance has been, is and will
be a cornerstone in my life. (…) "I am very clear that there is no genius
without effort." "Everything requires sacrifice and, at times, the
results in the long term."
In the absence of passion, commitment, energy,
perseverance and effort that characterize today's society, we propose an
alternative that consists of personal attitude and pro-activity (anticipating
the events when they happen, rather than react when they have already occurred)
to deal with the events, opportunities, problems and challenges of life.
Intensity and
energy, desire and fight, fight and passion, this is what we propose
through our products and services offered on our website http://www.osmolightpieces.com
and blog http://osmolightpieces.blogspot.com.es/
But to enter in the subject, it is essential to "work, work and work". And is
that, to achieve the long-awaited greatness needs a generous time and energy
investment, so we not only have your trust acquiring our products, but also
with your opinions, recommendations to your contacts, support in social
networks and subscriptions to our newsletters,
to Mantua informed of our new products, thus we can grow and collaborate together.
We are honest,
determined, humble and hardworking. It depends only on our desire, and of course your support, make our project
a reality that grows day by day.
Why we give you THANKS and we invite you to participate in it, giving us: your
trust, comments, images and even videos that can help other people to continue
Best personal regards.
José Mª
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